The Lo Ting Series 《盧亭》 系列       An ongoing project to help myself search for the Hongkonger Identity

[2023   Lo Ting at 'Hong Kong Add Oil' Food & Art Project]

The 'Hong Kong Add Oil' was organised by Project 226, and funded by Migration Yorkshire. It took place in Yorkshire & the Humber Region, UK in April-June, 2023.
More info at: Project 226's website.

Title: Lo Ting making BBQ Pork without ingredients from China |
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 40cm(H) x 40cm(W) x 4 .5cm(D)

Year: 2023

The 'Hong Kong Add Oil' project invited Hongkongers at Yorkshire & the Humber to submit recipes of Hong Kong taste, using common ingredients in the UK market. After several tasing and voting sessions, 7 recipes happened to be the most beloved recipes. The artist members at Project 226, including myself, thereafter created artworks dedicated to these winning recipes. I did two paintings, illustrating Lo Ting trying out the winning recipe. One of these is about baking Hong Kong style BBQ pork at home.

Title: Lo Ting making Hong Kong Milk Tea in Britain |
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 79 .5cm(H) x 29 .5cm(W) x 4 .5cm(D)

Year: 2023

Another piece from this project illustrates how Lo Ting makes Hong Kong style milk tea at home.

[2023   Banner-Painting Series]   "Lo Ting calling for Harcourt Road Stories"

Special Thanks to Bloc Projects,
as the 'Harcourt Road' Art Project is commissioned by Bloc Projects

Title: “Lo Ting Calling for Harcourt Road Stories” Banner I |
「盧亭收集夏慤道故事」橫額 I
Size: 90 (w) x 180 (h)cm
Medium: 塑膠彩布本 | Acrylic on canvas

喺香港做區議員嘅一年半期間,我嘗試 同唔同嘅藝術家去玩嗰啲Banner位,試 過循環再用舊衣物去編織橫額,亦試 過成塊黑板擺出嚟俾大家寫。
When I served as a Hong Kong District Councillor, I made use of the dedicated banner spots for councillors to communicate with my constituents. Besides weaving creative banners with recycled fabric, I also put up black- boards to invite the public to write their own messages.

Title: Windows at Harcourt Road |
Size: 180 (w) x 90 (h)cm
Medium: 塑膠彩布本 | Acrylic on canvas

街坊Simon仲寄咗張聖誕節時影嘅,夏 愨道窗門嘅相俾我。窗門有烏克蘭旗, 仲寫住「永不放棄」!而其實香港嘅夏 愨道,係紀念代表香港二戰後接受日本 投降嘅夏慤將軍,即係光復香港!
Simon also sent me a photo of Harcourt Road’s windows during Christmas. The window shows Ukrai- nian flag and says “Never Give Up”! By the way, Harcourt Road in Hong Kong was named after Admiral Harcourt who represented Hong Kong to accept Japanese surrender after WWII, when Hong Kong was liberated.

Title: Banner of Freedom |
Size: 180 (w) x 90 (h)cm
Medium: 塑膠彩布本 | Acrylic on canvas

盧亭係一群好耐好耐以前喺香港 居住嘅半人半魚生物。 有歷史學 者認為,盧亭可能係一班魏晉南 北朝期間,喺北方革命失敗而南 逃至香港嘅革命黨成員。
Lo Ting is a group of a half- fish-half-human creatures living in south of HK long time ago. Some historians associate the origin of Lo Ting with the revolutionists who failed to overthrow the authority in Northern China in 400 AD and, thereafter, fled to HK

Title: Tug of War at Harcourt Road |
Size: 180 (w) x 90 (h)cm
Medium: 塑膠彩布本 | Acrylic on canvas

為咗認識多啲Sheffield嘅夏愨道,我 專程電郵俾「夏愨道社區」小組, 亦好開心收到夏愨道街坊Simon的回信。佢仲寄咗啲夏愨道嘅相嚟,例如有街坊好開心咁玩拔河。
Researching about Sheffield’s Harcourt Road, I email “Harcourt Road Community,” and am so happy to receive response from Simon who knows Harcourt Road so well. He even sent me photos from Harcourt Road. One of the image shows the neighbours happily playing Tug of War together.

Title: “Lo Ting Calling for Harcourt Road Stories” Banner II |
「盧亭收集夏慤道故事」橫額 II
Size: 180 (w) x 90 (h)cm
Medium: 塑膠彩布本 | Acrylic on canvas

2021年,為咗避開政治打壓,同埋繼 續自由發聲,過咗嚟英國,亂打亂撞 去咗參觀曼城嘅人民歷史博物館,見 到好多英國以往嘅政治橫額。 好鍾 意當中用嘅符號,好想可以再了解多 啲呢度嘅橫額製作歷史,亦都想畫一 系列以香港神話人物: 盧亭 為主角 嘅橫額。
In 2021, I relocated to the UK, to flee from political prosecution in Hong Kong (HK), and had a chance to encounter a series of political banners at People’s History Museum in Manchester. Fascinated by the rich history and iconography of political banners in the UK, I want to further study the visual language of these banners and develop a series of banner- paintings for Lo Ting, the ancient mythical figure of Hongkongers.

Installation shot at 'Harcourt Road' art exhibition in Bloc Projects Gallery (Apr 2023)

[2021   Painting Sereis]
"Lo Ting getting up at Hong Kong’s border, next to the fish ponds, in front of Shenzhen CCP China"

Title: Lo Ting getting up at Hong Kong’s border, next to the fish ponds, in front of Shenzhen CCP China

Artist Statement:
Hong Kong is well known for its skyscrapers. However, at the northern border of Hong Kong, a large area of greens and rural villages have been preserved for a long time as a practical separator from CCP China. Besides the previous military consideration under the British rule , this green separator nowadays is considered as important for sustainable development in the city. Under the rule of CCP in Hong Kong, development policies in the north of Hong Kong have been progressively changed. A lot of the villages, farmlands and fish ponds, which are one of the last green resorts of Hong Kong, are having the fate of being demolished and evacuated.

Such disruption wakes up one of the Hong Kong ancestors, Lo Ting, a community of half-man-half-fish creatures who lived in Hong Kong a thousand years ago.

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Size: 180 cm (w) X 150 cm (h)

Year: 2021

[exhibited at ' “I won’t suicide” Declarations, Hong Kong, 2019, Documentation and Art Exhibition' at Manchester, UK, Sept 2021.]

[2021   Painting Series]   "Lo Ting Olympia in Public Space at Prince Edward"

Title: Lo Ting Olympia in Public Space at Prince Edward

Artist Statement:
In May 2021, at the site dedicated to Prince Edward District Councillor Ben Lam for sharing community info, I painted a Lo Ting figure and wrote the quote about the Lo Ting myth from a Canton region history book from the late 18th century. Lo Ting is depicted as recylining Olympia in this painting, suggesting: “You wanna fuck with me?“

About the Site:
Both Prince Edward Police Station and Prince Edward MTR station, which were one of the most popular and tragic protesting sites during the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Movement, are located within Ben Lam’s constituency. Because of a lot of the very polarised political opinions in the community of Prince Edward, Ben Lam’s District Councillor banners were always destroyed ever since he took office in Jan 2020. Therefore, he later on installed aluminium board at his community banner sites, and invited different artists to do paintings at those sites. This Lo Ting Olympia painting was well-received. Different passers-by in the neighbourhood liked to pause and read the text on the painting.
[*Note: Ben Lam resigned from his councillor’s role in July 2021, due to the increasing political pressure from the CCP government]

Medium: Acrylic on dibond

Size: 200 cm (w) X 80 cm (h)

Year: 2021

[2021   Painting Series]   "Collage Painting I, with Lo Ting"

Title: Collage Painting I, with Lo Ting

Artist Statement:
From 2007 to 2021, there have been numerous students left behind unfinished paintings at C&G Artpartment. In the beginning of 2021, during the lockdown of the pandemic, I cleaned up the studio, and improvised with some abandoned canvases (that were sewed together) to create new compositions, to reflect my feelings during the lockdown and also during the social & political unrest in Hong Kong.

Medium:Oil on Canvas

Size: 200 cm (w) X 180 cm (h)

Year: 2021

[2021   Painting Series]   "Collage Painting II, with Lo Ting"

Title: Collage Painting II, with Lo Ting

Artist Statement:
From 2007 to 2021, there have been numerous students left behind unfinished paintings at C&G Artpartment. In the beginning of 2021, during the lockdown of the pandemic, I cleaned up the studio, and improvised with some abandoned canvases (that were sewed together) to create new compositions, to reflect my feelings during the lockdown and also during the social & political unrest in Hong Kong.

Medium:Oil on Canvas

Size: 200 cm (w) X 180 cm (h)

Year: 2021